FA Cup '18



Wiiner Chelsea (Pete Haughey )

Winner scooping £200 and remaining going into kitty for the now customary FA Cup day piss up in Football Club. So it's really a case of everyone winning.

FA Cup 2018 Sweepstake
FA Cup Fixtures 2018
FA Cup Draw 2018

£10 per selection, 2nd or 3rd picks can be made if still teams unclaimed.

As before, you can make your selection pulled from sealed envelope. Draw will be taking place at next Thursday night training (11th). If not attending you can ask someone to make a selection for you. Alternatively, any remaining team(s) left can be claimed on Friday on Whatsapp by choosing from remaining envelopes, which will be numbered.

With all teams picked out (and everyone pays) we will have a pot of £320.

Winner scooping £200 and remaining going into kitty for the now customary FA Cup day piss up in Football Club or Detroit. So it's really a case of everyone winning.